Here are the 5 mental strategies for weight loss that my clients work through.
1. Create a super strong desire. Now if you are reading this then there is no doubt you already have a desire to lose weight but in order to turn this desire into action you need to uncover the emotional charged desires you have to shed the pounds.
The fastest way for you to do this is to create a list of at least 15 reasons you want to be at your goal weight. What will this bring into your life, what will this mean in terms of your career, your health and your relationships? The key is to just let yourself write down reason after reason without editting your answers. What will happen is that as your list grows you will uncover some hidden but powerful reasons and these will become your motivation.
2. Believe you can do this. Okay, so you have created a list of reasons that you want to lose the weight, you believe you can? It is okay to say no but if that is your answer then you will need to change that to a yes by creating something I call a "Belief Builder". This is simply a one sentence statement that builds a belief you want.
For instance, you might want to lose weight so your child doesn't follow in your same foot steps and struggle with his or her weight. To build this belief you can simply create a Belief Builder that says, "I am so happy to be a healthy role model to my child." By repeating this statement to yourself with feeling every day and not letting yourself doubt it (very important) in about a month you will start seeing it become a reality.
3. Commit. Look, weight loss is not always easy and there is no magic pill. When you find a plan that is working for you and is doable commit to it. Try setting a boundary for your eating and commit to not crossing over it. This way even on a "bad" day you minimize damage and you can get back on track.
4. Know your value. Boy this is a common issue with weight loss. If you are waiting to love your body until you have lost the extra pounds then you are making this challenge much harder than it has to be. Start today to appreciate the value of your body and don't make it all about appearance. Why not appreciate how your heart pumps blood for you or how your ears allow you to hear. The truth is you live in an amazing body!
5. Stay loose. This is not a physical reference but rather a mental one. Keep a flexible attitude because I guarantee your day will not always go as planned, a meeting will run late, traffic will stress you out, the kids will break something...Things happen but they don't have to knock you off your weight loss goal.
These 5 mental strategies for weight loss when applied will mean more to your success than your food choices or exercise routine. Start working on them today and get your head in the game.
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