Take my friend Melissa. Melissa has always been on the heavy side but over the last couple of years she's piled on quite a lot of weight. Her doctor told her recently that she is bordering on becoming obese and that she ought to do something about it.
Now the doctor doesn't know Melissa as well as I do. I could have told him, for example, that Melissa doesn't really need to be told to lose weight. She knows that already. She's tried diet after diet after diet but has never found one that still works for her after a couple of weeks.
She was real upset after her appointment with the doctor. He didn't really give her any specific advice on what to do so she went online to try and find a way of losing weight. She told me that the online solution wasn't as simple as she had hoped, and she just didn't know which way to go -- there were plenty of diets to choose from but she got so confused with what they told her that she didn't know where to make a start.
I guess this is one of the major problems about choosing a diet. Each diet company wants you to pick them so they'll throw all kinds of information at you telling you how great their diet is. They'll also sometimes pick apart every other diet and tell you why it doesn't work. And, if you read around a little you'll be told different stuff by lots of different diet companies. It's no wonder Melissa got so confused. She ended up not knowing who to believe and which solution would be the best one for her.
As anyone who knows Melissa will tell you, what she needs is a diet that isn't going to starve her. The diet and dieting solutions that have left her hungry in the past have never worked and she'll be the first one to admit she has no real willpower when she's hungry. She also can't cope with fad diets that emphasize one food type over another as she gets easily bored. What she really needs is a low maintenance diet or dieting solution that will keep her feeling full (and happy!) but that helps her eat the right foods to take the weight off...and stop the pounds piling back on again.
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