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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Do This to Lose Love Handles

If you are desperate to lose love handles then you will need target them from two fronts. This will involve making changes to the way you eat and becoming more physically active.

A good effective workout which people do to lose some fat is cardio exercise. Although you will need to do some cardio work, weight training will increase your results substantially.

Doing weight training will be very beneficial to you. You will lose less muscle while you are trying to lose fat. This is vital because having muscle on your body helps it to burn more calories. Weight training also has a major impact on your metabolism, as it helps to speed it up. More calories will be burnt off by doing a mixture of training.

When doing your cardio, don't spend hours on end doing cardio at low levels of intensity. Do shorter periods and add in fast bursts, this will do you more good. Sprinters do this form of training, one things for sure you never see an overweight sprinter, and they don't have love handles.

If you use a treadmill, don't jog slowly for an hour. Try repeating this process, run for 2 minutes then walk for 2 minutes. This is called interval training and it is very effective. You could try this method with other types of cardio exercise.

Get rid of the junk food completely and change it for healthier eating. Any foods that are high in sugar and saturated fats are just going to hold you back. You don't need to cut out large amounts of calories from your diet. This will do you no good at all. When cutting down on food be sensible about it, do not start skipping meals.

When it comes to your calories make sure you spread them out. Work out what your calorie intake is going to be, this has then got to last through out the day. Your metabolism will begin to work more effectively if you begin spreading your calorie intake by eating 4 or 5 meals each day, instead of 3. Just this change can make a difference.

You may be saying what has all this to do with my need to lose love handles. It is impossible to lose your love handles if you do not change the rest of your body. It is a complete whole. When you lose fat from the rest of your body, you will lose fat from your waist and love handles.


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