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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How to Lose Weight Walking Every Day

If you are looking for a convenient exercise to help you lose weight, then walking is a great choice. To find out how walking can benefit your health and help you to lose weight, read on.

Walking is such a great exercise to do for general all-round health, because it is something that most people can easily do. It can be done almost anywhere, and even just 30 minutes of walking every day can dramatically improve your fitness and general all-round health.

The best way to get into walking is to start small. Even just 10 minutes every day is better than nothing. Do this for a week and then up it to 20 minutes per day. Increase by 10 minutes every week, until you are walking for a full hour every day.

Obviously, walking is best when it is done in hilly countryside, but you don't have to feel restricted to walking only in places like that. You can walk anywhere, as long as it is safe for you to do so.

Try to incorporate walking into your everyday routine. Do you often drive to the store to buy your food? Do you drive to work? Do you drive the kids to school? Maybe you even drive to the gym? If any of these places are within 2 miles of where you live, you should seriously consider walking instead.

The great thing about exercise is that the more you do, the more you CAN do, and the more you enjoy it. The fitter you become, exercise becomes less of an effort, less of a pain, and more of a fun activity. And the fitter you become, the more likely you will be to be able to control your weight.


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