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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Strip That Fat and Lose 10 Pounds For Vacation

It is that time of the year again, schools are finishing up, the weather is nice, and the pools are full! Yet you are still inside, looking at your a bit to small bathing suit, tuxedo, or dress, and you are wondering how to lose 10 pounds for vacation. Let me introduce you to something that might just be able to answer that question for you. Strip that Fat, a wonderful weight loss plan that doesn't restrict you to eating low calorie, low carb foods. Yet, has you eat 5 scheduled meals a day!

5 meals a day, what?! Yea I know, you're headed to the beach, or maybe you're headed to Las Vegas, either way you need to look good, and shed some weight before you take that awesome vacation. Eating 5 meals a day, that are scheduled for you through Strip That Fat's web based diet generator will help you along that path. You just enter your favorite foods into the generator, and it builds a 5 meal a day plan for 14 days at a time!

This is not your low fat, low carb diet. You will not starve, or feel hungry throughout the day. You will be taught why eating fatty foods is good for you! You will also be energized, starting from your morning meal, since you will be starting your metabolism so early, you will continue to burn calories all day long! This most certainly does not sound like a boring diet to me. It sounds to me like this is not your everyday diet, and will not be like one of those other fad diets.


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