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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hate to Exercise? Listen to This

Why don't you exercise? Does it bore you? Maybe you start working out, only to quit because working out is just no fun.

One way to make if fun is to listen to something interesting while you work out. Many people listen to MP3 players while they exercise. If you have tried listening to music but still quit your workout routine out of boredom or lack of motivation, maybe you're not listening to the right stuff. Technology and the internet have opened up so many possibilities.

One option is old radio shows. There are so many of them to choose from that you would have a hard time running out of new things to listen to. Sure, they're old, but you probably haven't heard them. Most of them are 30 minutes long, which is a great length for taking a brisk walk. When you get involved in the story you may even walk a little further to make sure you hear the end of the show.

You can find many old radio shows on the internet for free. Most shows are in the public domain. You can pay for the convenience of getting a collection of shows all at once, but you don't have to.

Or, you could try audio books. Fiction would be the best motivator for exercising. Once you get involved in the story, you'll look forward to hearing the story progress during each exercise session.

You should only listen to your book or radio show while you are exercising. Make it special for just that activity and the next thing you know, you'll be looking forward to that walk after work.

Now, you should be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. We all know that. But once you have, try these ideas to stay motivated.


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