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Monday, August 10, 2009

Fastest Way to Lose Fat - Eat, Drink, and Be Motivated

The fastest way to lose fat is through a good diet and working out. I know you don't want to here that, but I am going to tell you the fastest and safest way, not the, what pill can I take to lose fat fast way. Look I know you want to lose fat fast, but pills and starvation diets are not the way to go. I want you to know that you can eat drink and be solid fast and easy.

When it comes to eating, you want to eat more. What? Let me explain, it is better to eat more meals a day then it is to scarf down 2-3 elephant meals a day. Five small meals a day is ideal when it comes to fast fat loss. A couple can be decent size, but be sensible. Try not to eat to much carbs late at night and it is also good to take care of your drinking habits.

Another thing to know if you are looking for the fastest way to lose fat is to drink a lot a water and less cokes. Again, yes I know you cant give up cokes. You don't have to give them up completely just cut down. I remember when I first stopped drinking cokes, man I was hurting, but eventually I got used to it. I think it was the fact that I was so intent on giving a 100% effort to lose the fat.

Also the fastest way to lose fat is motivation. Motivation is a huge factor to shedding that fat as fast as you can. I remember when I first joined a gym, I was set up for six training sessions with the most beautiful trainer i had ever seen. Let me put it like this after those six sessions I didn't plan on spending anymore money on training, long story short I ended up spending all my 401k on training. LoL :) Seriously, find something to motivate you, it will do wonders.


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