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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why is Your Diet Failing? 7 Hidden Things You Didn't Know Were Making You Fat

There's nothing more frustrating than sticking religiously to your diet only to find that the scales are not moving in the right direction. But there are little-known reasons that could be sabotaging your efforts. Read hear to find out what could be the reasons behind your diet failing.

1. Your friends. If you have a friend who gains weight easily, you are more likely to do the same. This is because you look to your friends to determine acceptable behaviour - so if they have a second helping, the chances are that you will too. To overcome this, try and include your friends in your healthy lifestyle by suggesting non-food based outings or by exercising together.

2. Portion Sizes. Over the last 30 years we have started to eat more than we used to. This is largely down to the fact that the size of the average dinner plate has increased, so of course we have to fill it making our portion sizes much larger. In order to lose weight, a good guide is to make protein and carb portions the size of your fist and fill the rest of your plate with fruit and vegetables. By eating less you will gradually reduce your appetite.

3. A sluggish Liver. Your liver is the major fat-burning organ in your body so if it is overloaded with toxins it cannot work efficiently and becomes sluggish. This can lead to weight gain. You need to cut down on alcohol and saturated fats and try taking a supplement of milk Thistle which helps to cleanse the liver and get fat-burning back on track.

4. Diet Drinks. Consuming artificial sweeteners that are found in diet drinks prepares your body for a larger intake of calories, when this doesn't happen, your body demands more food by making you feel hungry or it burns less calories. Try and avoid any foods that contain artificial sweeteners and drink naturally low-calorie
alternatives such as water, green or herbal teas and black coffee.

5. Your Mobile (cell) phone. According to research in the US, it has been found that using your mobile (cell) phone before going to bed can lead to insomnia. People who sleep less than five hours a night are more likely to gain weight than those who sleep seven hours or more. This could be because when we get tired we need an energy boost, so usually turn to something sugary. Stay off the phone for at least an hour before bedtime to ensure you get a good nights rest.

6.Tap water. A lot of tap water is fluoridated these days (around 10% in the UK). Fluoride can prevent the body from absorbing iodine which is needed to keep the thyroid healthy. A sluggish thyroid can lead to a slow metabolism which will lead to weight gain. Try and switch to mineral water, this may just have an effect on your fat-burning efforts.

7. Low Vitamin intake. According to research, it has been found that people who take vitamin supplements have lower appetites than those who don't. The reason could be because your body will make you keep eating until it gets all the nutrients it needs. Add a general multivitamin to your diet which may reduce your appetite.

By following these simple guidelines you could quite easily make small changes to your lifestyle which could make all the difference to your fat-burning efforts. Very soon you could have the body you have always dreamed of.


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