You may not be aware of the fact that enzymes helps break down fat, which cause you to be overweight and they also breaks down the fat deposit in arteries in the form of plaque. They help control high blood pressure and even high cholesterol.
So what are enzymes?? Enzymes are proteins that facilitate chemical reactions in living organisms. In fact, they are required for every single chemical action that takes place in your body. All of your cells, organs, bones, muscles, and tissues are governed by enzymes. It is apparent that enzymes are a big factor when it comes to natural weight loss .
Enzymes play a massive part in ensuring that our bodies function optimally. Your digestive system, immune system, blood stream, liver, kidneys, spleen, and pancreas, as well as your ability to see, think, feel, and breathe, all depend on enzymes. All of the minerals and vitamins you eat and all of the hormones your body produces need enzymes in order to work properly. In fact, every single metabolic function in your body is governed by enzymes. Your stamina, your energy level, your ability to utilize vitamins and minerals, your immune system -- all governed by enzymes.
Ellen Cutler, M.D. is a medical doctor who regularly sees patients who are either overweight or obese. Unlike many doctors, she is convinced that the frequently overlooked area of the human digestive system is an essential component of understanding and treating weight related problems. Poor digestion of food, says Dr. Cutler, is directly responsible for a whole range of weight related problems, from simple excess pounds to chronic overeating. She believes that the answer lies with natural weight loss.
If you are to experience successful and sustained weight loss then the bottom line is you need to eat food as nature intended and ensure that your diet is well balanced with all the main nutrient groups.
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