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Friday, July 17, 2009

Making a Diet For Six Pack Abs

One of the most important things you absolutely must do if you want to get a flat stomach is create a diet for six pack abs. Many people spend hours trying to figure out what they should be doing in the gym in order to see results, yet overlook the critical component of what they're putting in their mouths.

What you eat easily makes up about 80% of the total results you see, so you must get this down pat before moving on. No matter what you're doing in the gym, if you aren't eating smart diet for six pack abs, you aren't going to see results.

Here is what you need to know.

Increase Your Protein Intake

The very first thing you should be doing while trying to create a diet for six pack abs is increasing your protein intake. This will help to offset any lean muscle mass loss you may experience, which will keep your metabolism revved higher meaning you can eat more calories while still being able to lose weight.

The important thing you must remember with this is that if your calories are going down, protein intake must go up. 1.5 grams per pound a day is the best bet to ensure you don't lose muscle mass.

Eat Plenty of Vegetables

Next, you're also going to want to make sure you're eating plenty of vegetables regularly. This will not only supply your body with a number of vital vitamins and minerals you need, but will also create a feeling of fullness in the body, decreasing the chances that you overeat later on during the day.

With every meal or snack you eat, try and include at least one vegetable.

Utilize Carbohydrate Cycling

Finally, you're also going to want to be sure you're utilizing carbohydrate cycling. This is one very simple way to prevent a slow-down in your metabolic rate and make sure your diet for six pack abs actually works.

When you go low carb for too long feelings of fatigue will definitely begin to set in and it's likely that you'll find it harder and harder to lose weight.

Alternate low carb days with higher carb days for your best results.

So be sure you're keeping these three points in mind. Doing so will help ensure that you're not just doing half the equation to getting flat abs (the workout). Diet is such a vital component that you must not forget about it.


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