Tips how to slim down your thighs
You absolutely have to use strength training, it is a very important part of your exercise program. Strength training will tone your muscles, aerobic training does not do that. a lot of women are afraid of doing strength training and women, who are doing it, always use very light weights. But if you do not use heavier weights then you will not be able to boost your metabolism, meaning you don´t burn that many calories. The faster your metabolism is the more calories you burn and strength training does boost your metabolism.
A big mistake that some people use to lose fat around their body, is strict diets. Diets that are low in calories make your metabolism slow down, so you no longer burn as many calories. Diets also reduce your energy levels, so working out in the gym is the last thing in your mind. The food you eat is fuel and you do need fuel to exercise. If you do cut your calories then do it only by a little and pay close attention to what ou body tells you. if you have less energy then your calories may be too low.
Cardio is also a essential part of your slimming down process but your cardio has to be intense. Do not make your cardio sessions very long and low intensity. Doing 25-30 minutes of cardio with moderate to high intensity is very good. You can also add small and intense burst to make your cardio exercise even more effective.
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