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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Follow These DON'Ts to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal

1. Do not buy more food than what we need. Be conscious especially when we are doing our grocery shopping.

2. Do not store junk food, potato chips, chocolates, cake, sweets or ice cream on our pantry and fridge.

3. Do not go for alcoholic drinks

4. Do no let weather affect your food intake especially winter. Make yourself a hot soup, it makes a great winter warmer.

5. Do not have heavy meals - split it to 5-6 small meals to keep you feeling full all day.

6. Do not take dinner after 7.30pm. You may have some fruits or salad if you are starving.

7. Do not take hamburger instead sandwich.

8. Do not manage our emotions with food. When you are feeling down, you can to talk to your friend, go out for a walk, or do something that you like (playing game, listening music). Do not get yourself trapped on emotional eating, overcome the mental barriers so that you able to achieve your weight loss goal.

9. Don't forget the fibers in your food. They help you chewing healthy and therefore optimize your eating pace. Moreover, they stay longer in your stomach and let your blood sugar increase only slowly.

Bearing in mind, Do Not take Weight Loss too far, inappropriate eating habit will lead to negative outcomes and can even be life threatening. A correct way of weight loss should make us healthier and happier.

Moreover, of course Do Not let any excuses slip your weight lose plan.


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