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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Five Steps to Easy Weight Loss

It's no fun being overweight is it? Don't you just hate all those slim energetic people who seem to be able to eat absolutely anything and put on no weight at all? Life's just not fair, is it? However, the answer lies in our own hands. It's no good sitting about and just dreaming of getting rid of all that fat, you have to get yourself motivated, grasp the nettle, and resolve to do something about it.

The first thing to know is that the vast majority of all the various diet plans, pills, patches and special foods, that you see advertised all over the press, TV and internet, do not work. It really makes my blood boil to see the way that some of these products are marketed to the public with a cynical disregard of their client's well being. It seems that some makers are only interested in taking the money from you.

There are too many of these products to detail within the scope of this article but you should take due note that some of the pills, currently being sold, are positively dangerous. These are the drugs which make you lose weight by either suppressing your appetite or speeding up your metabolism. A number of people die each year from taking these pills.95% of people embarking on these various weight loss regimes fail long term, which is a rather depressing statistic. Don't you think that if there was some magic cure for being overweight, it would be offered by every doctor and be banner headlines in the press and on TV. Of course it would.

The second thing to know is that it is really quite easy to get rid of weight. You don't need a special diet at all. All you need to do is to eat normal sensible food, but less of it. You don't have to cut down your intake all that much, perhaps, only 500-600 calories per day, for some people. If you are a heavy drinker, then you should bring this down to a more reasonable level. Similarly, if you have been eating a lot of junk food,(I'm sure you all know what that is), then you should stop doing so. My advice is to not cut down too much, so that you are not tempted to snack between meals.

The third thing to know is that there a few tips that can help with slimming. Drink plenty of water. If you can manage it, say 6 glasses a day, (it doesn't have to be bottled water). Beer, wine, coffee and tea are not included. It flushes the system out and makes you feel better within yourself, apart from making you feel less hungry. If you can manage it, try to eat smaller amounts but more often. Eat five times a day if you can. Don't skip breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Your body has been without nutrition for 10 hours or so by breakfast time. A decent breakfast will get you off to a good start for the day and will increase your metabolism. Don't be afraid to leave food on the plate. A good many of us, particularly the older generation, have been conditioned to believe that it is a sin and a waste to leave something on our plates at mealtimes. If you have eaten enough and are feeling full, put you knife and fork down, and finish.

The fourth thing to know is that you must try to increase your level of activity so that in turn your metabolic rate is increased. What you do in this regard depends on your age and you general level of fitness. Just try hard to 'up' your level of activity within your own limits. You don't have to go mad and spend half the day down at the gym, beating yourself to death. Any sort of activity will do, walking, jogging, cycling, weight lifting are all OK, as long as they suit you. If you have a sedentary occupation, you could try walking or cycling to work. Climb up the stairs instead of using the lift. Use the car less. The list is endless. You may well find that exercise, far from being a bind and a chore, becomes a pleasure to you. Don't forget, all the exercise that you do is bit by bit burning off calories and thus contributing to your loss of weight.

The fifth thing to know is that, if you are to get slim and remain so for the rest of your life, you have to make a change in lifestyle. You must have the will power to stick at a reduced intake of calories and increased exercise. If you are to get slim and stay slim, it is a long term strategy. Try telling yourself that that you really don't have a very big appetite and that your increase in exercise is doing you a great deal of good. When you are tempted to deviate from the straight and narrow, you must try as hard as you can to resist. And if you do blot your copybook once in a while, don't beat yourself up over it. Just treat it as a temporary blip, and get back to the usual routine. If you have a stressful job or your home life is stressful in any way, you would be well advised to get the stress level down if at all possible. Personal stress can often lead to overeating. If, like a lot of people, you are a little lacking in the will- power department, you could try visualisation techniques or even hypnotherapy. Both certainly work for the right person.

I hope I have given you some food for thought and wish you all success. The most important thing to do now is to get started.


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