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Monday, July 27, 2009

Drop 10 Pounds in a Week - 2 Quick Tricks

Sure you can Drop 10 Pounds in a Week. There are several ways to do this, but I'll list a couple things that got the job done for me when I needed to lose 10-15 pounds on some occasions. Here they are below:

* Grapefruits are more than just a fruit - I know you've problem heard a lot about "eat fruits and veggies to lose weight" which is true, but grapefruits are extra special because they reduce insulin levels and blocks enzymes involved in fat and carbohydrate storage, which means instead of storing food as fat, it burns it as energy.

Eating only half of a grapefruit with each meal can do wonders for burning fat efficiently, and by eating them even more often than just half a meal, you can honestly see a big change in your weight loss.

* Do a Detox - Taking the time to do a complete cleansing for your body can make a major difference in over all health. People literally lose from 5-20 pounds of pure fat just from flushing out their colon and also flushing out all toxins from their body.

One way I do my cleanse is to make a nice cleansing fresh lemon drink. I just add some maple syrup and cayenne pepper to a bottle of lemon juice, or the juice from fresh lemons and I'm set.

Now the trick to this is to drink this juice throughout the day whenever you get hungry. For many people it curves their appetite, but for most people, the first three days are the hardest. This juice diet is originally about 2 weeks long, but many people don't last that long. Then again there are people that only go three days and are satisfied with the weight they lost.

I lost 2 pounds per day by just drinking this juice and nothing else, and I was very very hungry, almost starving or worst, but I stuck it out anyways.

Can you go this long without food?

If not, don't panic, there are very few diets that allows you to eat all your favorite foods to help you Drop 10 Pounds in a Week. Yes that's true. Just find a diet that doesn't require you to go hungry.


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