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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can You Really Lose 30 Pounds in a Month?

Believe it or not you really could be 30 pound thinner in just a month or a little under. I've done it myself and know that you can lose this much weight as quickly and easily as I did.

You may be surprised once you get down to business how fast the pounds will melt off, but I must warn you that there is no easy fix. If you want to be successful you will need to get on a set regimen with proven results and work diligently towards your weight loss goals.

Here's how I did it. I followed a really simple plan that even a complete weight loss newbie could find success with. My plan focused on a healthy, low-fat, low carbohydrate and higher protein calorie controlled diet to both reduce hunger and raise my metabolism. And, yes, I did exercise for over an hour every day the first month and beyond. I hated it at first, but absolutely could not deny the results! My clothes were bigger every time I put them on.

What kind of exercise did I do? I did a combination of light resistance weight training and lots of cardio to help me burn the accumulated fat and tone up. When trying to lose weight rapidly, it is important to focus on both types of exercise. Why? Cardio burns fat and helps you to shed pounds quickly, while weight and resistance training builds muscle to firm and tone while naturally increasing resting metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you will be able to eat and still maintain your weight loss in the future. The more muscle mass you carry while dieting, the faster you will lose weight.

Using a healthy meal plan in combination with both cardio and weight training was a winner for me. Although I was quite overweight to begin with, I lost the first 30 pounds in a month, a true record for me personally since I have always lost weight very slowly in the past. I am also happy to report that I have continued to lose weight at a pace of 10 or 12 pounds a month since and am now nearing my weight loss goals. I'm happier, much healthier and feel great.

The one thing I learned from years of trying to get rid excess weight? You can not just diet or exercise alone. You need both to be successful and maintain long term weight loss.


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