When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Atkins Diet on DietBlogTalk.com
For an additional source, check out Atkins Diet on the very popular Sensational.com
The Atkins Diet™ is now referred to as a nutritional long-term plan for weight loss and weight management. The website for all things Atkins™ promotes a totally different way to look at food. Sexy and fat-burning machine are clearly the mantra for the new version of the old diet. We say, get over the “sexy” buzzword and show us a real weight loss plan for real people in the real world! The new Atkins™ combines their trademarked food products with the diet to improve their market appeal.
Method at a Glance
The Atkins Diet™ is a low carbohydrate diet where you eat mostly protein.
Method in Focus
The diet consists of eating lean protein, leafy greens, vegetables, nuts, fruits, and limited whole grains. The new feature of the diet is the inclusion of Atkins™ bars and shakes. The website emphasizes that exercise is essential to get you on your way to the “sexy” (there it is again) results you've always wanted. The whole plan is intended to show you how to eat the right foods that can change the way your body works. You will apparently go from a fat-storing body to a fat-burning machine.
• The new Atkins Diet appears to be more balanced than the older version.
• It may be necessary to supplement the Atkins Diet™ with weight loss supplements that improve fat burning and provide appetite suppression as the body adjusts to the dramatic change in eating patterns.
• High protein diets typically cause constipation, it may be necessary to use a reliable fiber supplement like Glucomannan.
• High protein diets have been shown to be hard on kidney function.
Final Thoughts
Atkins has come along way with their weight loss method and so kudos to the company. Supplements may improve the dieting efforts for all diets, but especially high protein diets like Atkins Diet. Look for a product which combines an ingredient for fat-burning as well as one to control appetite and cravings.
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